Saturday, August 8, 2009

"I love naked ladies!"

I wonder how many filters will not allow this blog because of today's title? Not much to post about The Studio today, so I've decided to tell you a story from nine or ten years ago involving naked ladies (Amaryllis.) There are so many in bloom now and it makes me think of this story. The picture is from my neighbor's yard. I wish my flower beds looked like this, but I figured out to make beautiful pots with the clay instead of trying to grow beautiful things in the clay and that's worked out better, thus, The Studio.

At the time I was a K-12 library media specialist and spending half of the day in the elementary building. (Why, oh why, did I ever let anyone sign me up for the elementary stuff?) Anyway, there was a 1st grade class of 20 little boys. They all came in one afternoon, just after school started, and one little boy said "Mrs. Schubert, I want a book about flowers, I love naked ladies." At that moment all the other little boys started telling their naked lady stories..."I've seen my mom naked", "I've seen my sister naked" and on they went. To say the least I lost control of the room and to this day I don't know how to handle a herd of 1st graders. Now Billy is in high school and when I see him I smile!

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