Saturday, January 2, 2010

Who's cussing now!

HAPPY NEW YEAR! We hope you each have a wonderful 2010. Thank you for following along so far with this project.

While most people spent yesterday with family and friends, Papa and I worked away at the studio. Some projects went well, and others conjured up curse words.

Other than needing one minor piece of plumbing for the drain, the farmhouse sink has water and is ready to go. Thank you Mark for hauling this monster sink from New York state! Oops, I haven't removed the blue paint tape from the corner.

All along when I (the perfectionist) complain about something that is "off" Huck reminds me this is a pole barn, not a house. Yesterday it was my turn to remind him! The windows (installed by our contractor - who has still not returned to finish the project) are not square and trimming out the windows did not go well. Today we will start over and try a different approach.

Feline News: Bella is our official studio cat! Last Thursday we adopted a 10 month old kitty from the Humane Society. Today I'll take pictures of Bella Blue (Blue Moon last Thursday and Bella from Stephnie Meyer's books - yes, I read every one of them and loved the series - vampires and all!)


1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your project is coming along! It's been very cold in
    PA this winter and we still have most of Jan and all of Feb to go. Eheat panels are working great even when its been 10 degrees overnight it's still 60 in the studio. Happy New Year!

